How to master content creation

Let’s look at building your online brand by starting to become a master of your own content creation.

EDIT: This post was written for a Social Media assessment. The task time was 1 week. 

Building a digital brand: Content creation

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Social media image by Savhanna Fowler

We all know an Instagram account that we simply cannot get enough of.

Building that account didn’t happen over night, there are long hours, tough decisions and trial and error processes that go into one ‘simple’ upload. So let’s talk content creation when building your digital brand.

Going online in 2017 is inevitable and if you are wanting your brand to succeed you need to take the necessary steps to not only making an appearance online, but maintain it through finding the perfect topics, the best photo opportunities and applying a great edit that will work for you. 

What does it mean to be a content creator for your own brand?

Firstly, you are spending hours developing the style you want your brand to communicate, and then you are creating the best possible ways to deliver this to your audience. Remember, we need to keep them engaged, not just entertained, so the following is a breakdown of where to begin. 

Step One: Engaging an audience

We begin with this step as it’s what you as content creators need to think about from the get-go. Your audience is your telltale if you are doing something right, or if you need to go back to the drawing board and try again. So to get to know the audience you are targeting, or begin to further understand your current one, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are they responding?
  • What posts are they responding to? (eg. images, text, hard topics, light-hearted topics)
  • Is your audience asking questions? (and what are they asking?)

A few small details can determine if your audience is engaged with the content you are delivering. 

Step Two: Finding a filter

Adding a filter may not always apply to your images. It’s also directed at the style you write, and what you write about. For example, if you are an author of a food blog, it would be in your brands best interest to keep all posts related to food.

Moreover, keeping consistent with your editing process of your images, texts, uploading dates, collaboration entities, etcetera, etcetera, you are giving your audience stability, which results in them staying around for a little bit longer.

My advice: keep your images clean, your text edited and you’ll be on the track to success. 

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Image of Instagram account, @jasminedowling
Step Three: Share your personality

It doesn’t matter if you are running a music blog or building a car-enthusiast Instagram, your viewers are going to connect and engage with your content if you are sharing where you go to coffee. Confused? People like to know that there is a face behind all these words and images, so make your content human. It doesn’t have to be as personal as your personal life, but it should be as relatable. 

Content creation when building your brand online follows with how your audience engages with your brand. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you have 100 followers or 1M followers on your social platform or blog, if you are engaging them, you are building your brands longevity.

Much Love,


PS. We would love to hear what your go-to image filters are! Comment below.